Monday, 8 September 2014

Production Projects



Produce a continuity exercise which involves a character opening a door, crossing the room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom they exchange a couple of lines of dialouge. The task should demonstrate:

Match on action:

The match on action shot is where the cameraman records the main characters action but from different angles. For example while walking down a hallway a character is being filmed from behind and as they turn a corner the camera angle might switch to the front.

Shot/reverse shot:

Shot reverse shot is a technique in films where one character is shown looking at another character (sometimes off-screen) and then the camera changes to a shot of the second character looking at the first character. The characters are filmed facing opposite directions it makes it seem as if they are talking.

180 degree rule:

The 180 degree rule is when an imaginary line links the two characters and one semi-circle of that line can be filmed from because it keeps the same angle of each character so it seems as if they are always talking to each other. If the camera crosses the imaginary line and goes past 180 degrees then the angles of the faces change and it may appear that both characters are speaking to each other but in the same direction.

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